Why Register Now?

I could just do it later instead…

The L2g planning team are very aware that there are many pressures on life at the moment and making the decision to attend a 4 day, live-in conference plus flights can feel daunting.

Firstly, we believe there is still great value in gathering face-to-face as leaders in ministry with children and families. Our ministries and ourselves will be better as we engage in this space to network, learn and retreat.

Secondly, we encourage you to talk with your church or organisation about supporting you to attend through releasing you for this time of professional development as well as contributing towards all or some of the cost. We would encourage these conversations as soon as possible.

For the Leaders to Go 2023 conference to successfully go ahead in the format of being in the room together to learn from one another, we require 50 people to be registered prior to May 24. With less than 50 people, we feel this devalues the time and cost to those who attend. This is also when the venue needs confirmation of our booking so to assist us in making wise and prudent decisions we are being transparent with you about our planning. We believe we can reach this number but we need you to commit to attending the conference and
organise your registration now.

Therefore, we encourage you to pray, talk and register as soon as possible.

Please know that we will communicate as soon as we can that we’ve met that number so those who need to can look at booking flights. If we get to May 24 and have to change plans we will also inform you and provide a full refund.

Who could you invite?
We also ask you to please consider who you could invite to attend with you and send this email to them too. Please don’t assume that people know about L2g. Is there a Children and Family Ministry leader of leaders in a neighbouring church or ministry setting who would value being part of the Leaders to go conference? Are you connected with a denominational or regional network of children and family ministry leaders? Please make use of the promotional materials on the 2023 Conference page and spread the word – ideally with personal invites to those who you think might benefit.